Portrait of Robyn Windsor

2023: A New Passion

In 2023, I discovered a new passion: front-end web development. Enrolling in SheCodes' intensive 7-month program, I was captivated by coding from the start, creating my first landing page in HTML and CSS. This experience opened a world of endless possibilities.

Front-end development allows me to blend creativity with technology, transforming static designs into interactive, visually appealing websites and applications. I have since expanded my skills to include JavaScript and Python for more dynamic functionality, and I am proficient in using frameworks and libraries such as React (JSX), Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS. Additionally, I leverage tools like Node.js and GitHub to streamline development processes and ensure robust version control. My knowledge of API integration, SEO, responsive design, and WordPress enables me to build websites that are both user-friendly and optimized for performance.

Climate Tech and sustainability

My journey into front-end development coincided with a growing interest in climate tech and reducing carbon emissions. I believe technology can drive positive change in addressing climate issues. By integrating sustainable practices into web development, such as optimizing performance to reduce energy consumption, I align my work with my commitment to environmental responsibility.

I am eager to leverage my front-end development skills to contribute to projects that promote sustainability and combat climate change. Together, we can harness technology for a greener, more sustainable future.