Weather Application

This application provides real-time weather information based on user input. Whether you're planning a trip or just curious about the current weather, this app has got you covered.

Water & Energy TaskForce

The Water and Energy Task Force Website is a responsive web application designed to showcase the services and mission of a pioneering company dedicated to revolutionizing sustainability practices in the industrial sector. The website provides information about the company's mission, services, news, and contact details.

Living Data

Living Data is an application that streamlines property hunting by providing users with listings, local crime data, and nearby amenities, all in one convenient platform.

Adhd Landing Page

Welcome to my ADHD Awareness Landing Page! This space is dedicated to fostering understanding, support, and awareness for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Here, we strive to provide valuable resources, insights, and a supportive community for individuals, families, and allies navigating the journey with ADHD.